Spoofax Tutorial Slides and Recording

People asked for the slides of my talks on June 4 and 11 about Spoofax.

I have published the (somewhat updated) slides and the recording of the tutorial I gave at PLDI’20 at https://eelcovisser.org/talks/2020/06/16/spoofax-tutorial-at-pldi/

After the talks with slides I gave here, I decided that it would be better to live programming. So if you want to see Spoofax in action, the recordings may be a useful addition to the slides.

– Eelco


Many thanks for the post and update!

God blesses!!!

Best regards,

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Thanks for the link to the Spoofax video tutorial.
As I could not make it to both talks, so, the tutorial was very welcome! :slight_smile:
Regards, Denis