New episode of Beyond Parsing: Interview with Vadim Zaytsev

Hi everyone!
A new episode of “Beyond Parsing” is online!
In this episode of the podcast, @ftomassetti and @sergej interview Vadim Zaytsev of Raincode & Raincode Labs.

Legacy systems modernization is a topic that never gets old. We talk to Vadim Zaytsev to learn how Raincode uses language engineering techniques to save banks millions of dollars that they spend to run their COBOL and PACBASE systems.

Listen to find out:

  • What drives companies around the world to migrate away from mainframes.
  • How Raincode migrates legacy systems without actually migrating any code.
  • How Raincode modernizes legacy systems written in exotic 4GLs to a more modern COBOL.
  • What role does language engineering play in all of this.
  • What is SLEBoK and why you should care.

If you’re interested, you can go here.
Enjoy! :slight_smile: