This post is intended to contain your suggestions on people to invite.
These suggestions will then be discussed by the editorial board, which is currently composed by me (@ftomassetti , @Niko , and @PaulSpencer )
This post is intended to contain your suggestions on people to invite.
These suggestions will then be discussed by the editorial board, which is currently composed by me (@ftomassetti , @Niko , and @PaulSpencer )
Hello, Editorial Board!
I suggest a meetup with somebody with knowledge about:
Kind regards,
I was going to mention the Racket/Common Lisp/Clojure track that I find interesting (as long as it’s just a sprinkle among other fields/topics).
Names that come to my mind:
Generally, the term “DSL” is widely used in the Lisp camp but with a meaning which is not quite the same as we use here, though the core tenet (bringing the level of abstraction closer to the application domain) is the same.
Personally, I’m also interested in languages specialized in computer music, music composition, live performances/coding, and similar. There appears to be quite an overlap with the Lisp/Scheme/Clojure community in this space, but I don’t know the name of any potential speakers, and it would be probably stretching the DSL theme a bit too thin anyway.
I think we did not
It could be really interesting to get Richard Feldman to give a talk on the Roc language. Not sure how realistic it would be, but if there is interest, I could reach out to him and ask.
Yes, I think it would be great. I think that this community gives us also an excuse to reach out people we admire. So if you can please go ahead and let’s see what happens
Richard Feldman is trying very interesting things with roc, the language he is writing. I saw several talks about it. I recommend these two to have a grasp of what he is doing:
Outperforming Imperative with Pure Functional Languages
A Taste of Roc
As a quick summary:
I think Richard could give a great talk
I talked to him and he would be happy to give a talk.
I guess they are about the figure out a good date.
Hi Alessio,
I’ve reached all the people you mentioned last year already, I’ve got an answer from Eli Barzilay, and we are trying to plan for a talk, but all the others from your list never reply. Of course, if someone from the community is in contact with them, they may introduce the community and be a point of contact.
Please let me know!