Virtual Meetup - DSLs for Artificial Intelligence: for BT and with MPS

Hi Community,

I am happy to announce that this Thursday (the 9th of December), Sofia Meacham will hold the discussion about “DSLs for Artificial Intelligence: for BT and with MPS”

Also, remember that we changed the link to join the Meetup!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology to stay and to expand in all areas of life and there is no doubt about that. However, AI research has been focusing on algorithmic research and not on how to adopt AI algorithms within contexts. BT’s data science team at Adastral Park has identified this gap and steered the need for integrated solutions.

This talk will describe the journey of collaborating with BT’s data science team posing the requirements to address the problem of providing AI in context. Three journal publications (IEEE Access, Impact 4) will be presented that consist the work up to now and are as follows: The Classification Algorithms Framework (CAF) DSL was first developed to assist data scientists and non-data scientist users to perform most used data science operations; the Adaptive Virtual Learning Environment (AdaptiveVLE) DSL that extended the CAF for the domain of developing adaptive virtual learning environments for fully online education. This DSL demonstrated the potential of applying CAF to a specific domain; the AdaptiveSystems DSL is a family of DSLs that brings the previous work one level higher by defining an adaptive systems DSL which is compliant to MAPE-K loop architecture blueprint and sets the rules for correct DSL development to other application domains. In all of these DSLs, we utilised MPS by JetBrains with its language composition, projectional editing, code generation and other features that supported the effectiveness of the DSL development and the quality of the resulting DSLs.

Dr Sofia Meacham received her Diploma in Computer and Informatics Engineering, in 1994, and her PhD degree, in 2000, from the University of Patras, Greece. She is currently a Principal Academic in Software Engineering at Bournemouth University , UK. Her PhD research fell in system-level design for embedded systems, and included specification techniques for complex embedded telecommunication systems, hardware-software co-design, formal refinement techniques, and reuse practices. Dr Meacham has been working in EU-funded projects as a researcher/embedded software engineer both in Industry (research and development departments) and in Academia. Her teaching practise is model-based and systems engineering (using SysML). From systems engineering, her research evolved and focused solely to the area of domain-specific languages for several applications domains.

And if you are thinking of proposing a talk, it is time to come forward. Just let me know by replying to this message.

How to connect

To avoid other security issues is now necessary to register for the meeting. The registration should be necessary just once and be valid for all the next meetings you will participate in. I understand it is a little extra effort, but it would avoid problems like the ones we encountered:

Registration for the Virtual Meetup

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. It will also permit you to add it to your calendar.


It is hosted on Zoom at 6 PM GMT+1/CEST (you can use this link to figure out which time is in your timezone: Dateful Time Zone Converter).


P.S. We get a recurring question: “Are presentations recorded?”. The answer is not, and the reasons are explained here On recording Virtual Meetups - #7 by voelter