Official announcement for the open sourcing of Generative Objects and presentation event

EDIT : the presentation was already help, here is the access to the replay !

Hey everyone,

For those interested, I am officially announcing the open sourcing of Generative Objects, telling about my story and motivation here :

And I am doing a presentation on the 9th of June for a deep presentation of Generative Objects, and go through the code base of Generative Objects. Following the event, I will be welcoming a few developers to join me on the project, before the actual public opening. So if you are interested and feel pulled to help me finalizing what needs to be to open source, and be part of the first developers to join, reach me!

Here is the link for the event :

See you there :wink:


Congrats for this big step!

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For those interested : here is the recording of yesterday presentation :
18 people present. I went to a functionnal presentation of Generative Objects and then a technical dive into the core code of Generative Objects

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Please check here about the new forum that I have created to discuss low code and Generative Objects future : POC for Low code platforms and DSL integration