Looking for examples of Legacy applications

Hi Community,

Today I am writing because we can use your help with a problem we have been working on for a long time.

The problem is demonstrating that automated language migrations work in practice. You know, there are a lot of people who believe it is simply not possible to translate large, complex legacy applications automatically. And they have good reasons to have doubts, given that there are no clear examples available online that demonstrate the contrary.

We want to correct that. So far, we have shared how some simple examples can be translated, but we think it is time to provide more advanced examples.

To do that, we need to identify legacy applications we can translate.

Do you know of any RPG, PL/SQL, Teradata, or other legacy applications we can use for this purpose?
Ideally, we are looking for legacy applications used in production that can be shared because they do not contain confidential information.

Finding these applications has proven challenging, so can you help us with that? Do you have any suggestions for us?

We appreciate your help! Hopefully, together, we will show what is possible in legacy modernization and help more people move to languages that make them more productive.



Hi, a bit late, but have you considered the AIR technology and ActionScript/Flex?