In my own software language PPL for operators “for”,“if”, “else” it is not needed curly bracket if block statement contains only 1 single statement.
for ex,:
if (x = 1)
The following part of code from my soft adds curly bracket before creation Tree.
I do not sure that all will be clear for you (written in C#):
case “if”:
if (CheckBlockInCurlyBrackets(input.Substring(i + 1), “if”) == false)
ppl.print(“Error: [TCreateCodeTree] block in ‘if’ must be in curly brackets”);
return null;
string condition;
int min_index = 0;
int indexes = GetIndexCharacters(input.Substring(i), new char { ‘;’, ‘{’, ‘}’ }, ref min_index);
int EndBlock = 0;
if (min_index == 0) // first stmt ‘;’ , without block{…}
{ // add {…} around first statement
string tmp = input.Substring(i + 1);
condition = tnot_tran.GetContents(tmp, ‘(’, ‘)’, ref EndBlock);
int index_finalyzer = tmp.IndexOf(';');
string tmp02 = tmp.Substring(EndBlock + 1);
//string statement_true = tmp.Substring(EndBlock + 1, index_finalyzer - EndBlock);
string statement_true = tmp02.Substring(0,index_finalyzer - EndBlock);
statement_true = statement_true.Trim();
string statement_true_in_curly_brackets = "{" + statement_true + " }";
string tmp2 = ReplaceFirst(tmp, statement_true, statement_true_in_curly_brackets);
input = ReplaceFirst(input, tmp, tmp2);
array = input.ToCharArray(); //(added characters to input )
// i = 0;
bs1 = new BoundarySymbols('(', ')');
bs2 = new BoundarySymbols('{', '}');
bsymbols = new BoundarySymbols[] { bs1, bs2 };
arr_con = GetArrayOfContents(input, ref i, bsymbols);
if (arr_con == null)
CodeTree = null;
return CodeTree;
condition = arr_con[0];
bool b4 = keyword_dict[value](condition, CurrentNode, ref result);
if (b4 == false)
CodeTree = null;
return CodeTree;
comp = new Composite(value, arr_con[0]);
comp.addit_info = result;
value = "";
TCreateCodeTree(ref arr_con[1], ref comp);
Now PPL code is written in C#, but I convert it to C++, version 20 to increase performanace and for using PPL not only Windows platform. Name of new PPL version is FOREST. It takes a time, because I work without team.
Best Regars
Oscar K.