Language Engineer looking for consulting/freelancing opportunities

Hi there,

I’m currently looking for consulting opportunities on domain specific languages. I’ve a lot of experience with all the Eclipse Modeling ecosystem. Currently I’m finishing a two years contract with a Swiss company in the end of November. For that contract I worked on a big DSL for the financial services domain in Xtext. Also I did some work on their RCP based model creation and editing tools. Previously I did my PhD in software verification in Geneva, Switzerland, so I’m well versed in verification techniques, temporal logics, etc, and how to combine them with DSLs.

I’d prefer a long term project to work on, since DSLs are a long term investment, but I’m also open to short term projects like proof of concepts or coaching/training in EMF technologies.

I’m in the -4 GMT time zone, but I’m used to work with teams in European time zones (let’s say I’m a very early morning person).

If you need a consultant that fit this description, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

You can also leave me your contact information below as a reply and I’ll be happy to contact you.

Have a nice day,


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