Rekex is a new PEG parser generator for Java 17. It unifies grammar definition and AST construction in the most natural and intuitive way, leading to the simplest approach to writing parsers.
For a quick demo, consider a context-free grammar with a production rule A = B C. In Rekex, the rule can be represented as
public A a(B b, C c){ return ...; }
- grammar symbols A,B,C are represented by user-defined datatypes
- production rule A = B C is represented by function type
A <- (B,C)
- the function computes an instance of
from arguments(b,c)
- grammar rules for B,C are defined similarly in more functions
A collection of such datatypes and functions precisely defines a grammar, as well as how ASTs are constructed. It’s obvious that any context-free grammar can be defined this way, and any type of ASTs can be constructed this way. The idea is very powerful yet so simple.
It could get even simpler. If datatype A
is designed to simply record (B, C)
, the production rule A = B C can be implied by the datatype definition itself
record A(B b, C c){}
Assuming the programmer wants to produce parse trees in user-defined datatypes, this is the minimum amount of code that must be written anyway, therefore it is objectively the simplest possible approach to parser generations.
Before we get into more details of this new toy, let’s look back at the old ones and see what made them more complicated.
Conventional parser generators
A conventional parser generator, such as ANTLR 4, Parboiled, provides a DSL that’s tailored for grammar definitions. The programmer defines a grammar in this DSL, from which a parser is generated that can recognize inputs and produce parse trees. That seems straightforward, and the introductory examples all look tidy and clean.
However, in most parsing applications, we need to produce some kind of result for each input, other than what the parser can produce automatically based on the grammar alone. There are mainly two ways to do it:
Actions, written in the target programming language, can be hooked to the grammar structure in various places, reacting to parse events that are emitted in specific orders. Actions are necessarily imperative, operating on mutable variables for the purpose of constructing the end result. A lot of careful plumbing is required to make it work correctly, and it’s not gonna be pretty.
The parse tree can be transformed to the end result in post-processing. This requires the programmer to handle parse tree nodes, which are either weakly-typed, or strongly-typed albeit in parser-generated datatypes (often requiring the grammar be augmented). Parboiled is of the first case; ANTLR the second. In either case, there’s a fragile link between the structure of the grammar and the application code that depends on that structure.
Conventional parser generators are grammar-oriented, with the primary concern on grammar definition and input parsing, leaving AST construction as a secondary concern that’s glued on the primary. Yet both are equally important to parser writers.
The mirror model
A parser is essentially a function that maps input sentences (structured by the grammar) to ASTs (structured by the datatypes). We use the term “AST” loosely here to mean any kind of results, even as simple as the unit type.
Programmers don’t think of a grammar as an abstract mathematical entity. Rather, a grammar carries semantics within itself. A symbol in a grammar represents a type of things. An input phrase that matches a symbol represents a thing in the type. This sounds familiar to programmers because we represent things as values of datatypes in programming languages. In fact, a context-free grammar looks exactly like a set of algebraic datatypes. Therefore we can have two representations for the same things that are mirror image of each other. As programmers, we’d rather work exclusively with the datatype representation.
Typically, we have a grammar definition to start with, and we want to mirror it with datatypes. Naturally, every symbol A is mirrored by a datatype A
; every phrase that matches symbol A is mirrored by a datanode in datatype A
. A phrase is composed of subphrases, and a datanode is constructed from child nodes that mirror subphrases,
A datanode does not have to retain all child nodes; it can retain just the information that’s needed by its parent node. The root node only needs to retain information that the programmer wants out of the parsing process. Therefore, by defining datatypes for symbols along with functions that map child nodes to parent nodes, we get both grammar definition and AST construction.
There are two major limitations to this model:
- Context-sensitive semantic predicates are impossible if there are no actions with side effects. This is rarely a problem except for languages that are designed to be difficult, such as C++.
- Automatic error tolerance is impossible if only correctly-typed ASTs can be constructed. This is a deal-breaker for applications that must make sense of the entire input as much as possible, even if there are localized syntax errors.
For most applications, these limitations don’t apply, and this mirror model works very well. There is nothing new here, though, since most programmers think and work in this model intuitively. However, it’s not very simple to practice it in conventional parser generators. We need a new framework that directly supports the mirror model.
In Rekex, a grammar is expressed as a collection of Java datatypes and methods, in a way that it’s straightforward to translate between the two in either directions.
Non-terminal symbols in the grammar are represented by datatypes in Java, in one-to-one correspondence. There are token datatypes and special datatypes which will be explained later; the rest are composite datatypes.
A composite datatype represents a symbol that has one or more production rules (that is, a symbol on the left-hand-side of some production rules). Correspondingly, a composite datatype has one or more ctors. A ctor is a method where the signature represents a production rule, and the body instantiates a datanode when the rule matches. For example,
public A a(B b, C c) throws E { ... }
- the return type
and parameter types(B,C)
represents production rule A = B C - the
clause lists possible types of semantic predicate failures - the body either returns an instance of
, or raises a failure
There is no guarantee in which order ctors are invoked during a parsing process, or even the number of times a ctor is invoked for a phrase. Therefore a ctor should be a pure function that depends only on its arguments (and possibly config data that remain constant throughout the parsing process).
For any composite datatype, Rekex finds its ctors either in a central ctor catalog class, or within the class/interface that defines the datatype. A composite datatype can be of any Java type, including primitives, as long as it’s associated with one or more ctors. Given the root datatype that represents the start symbol of a grammar, Rekex recursively discovers all datatypes and ctors for the entire grammar. A parser is then generated for this grammar, which constructs datanodes by invoking the ctors, eventually outputing ASTs in the root datatype.
It is fair to say that there’s unprecedented simplicity, clarity, and elegance in this approach. It is trivial to write a parser this way. But wait, there’s more.
Implicit ctors
Often there are grammar rules like A = A1 | A2 , and the meanings of the symbols lead us to design datatype A
as the parent type of A1, A2
sealed interface A permits A1, A2{}
The grammar rule A = A1 | A2, which is really sum of two production rules, A=A1, A=A2, can be expressed in ctors like
public A a1(A1 a1){ return a1; }
public A a2(A2 a2){ return a2; }
These ctors can be omitted. If there’s no explicit ctors for a datatype A
, and A
is a sealed type with subtypes A1, A2
, such ctors are implicitly declared for A
Next, suppose symbol A1 has a single production rule A1 = X Y, and datatype A1
is designed in the same form
record A1(X x, Y y){}
it’d be rather repetitive to have to declare a ctor for A1
public A1 a1(X x, Y y){ return new A1(x, y); }
This ctor can be omitted as well. If there’s no explicit ctors for a datatype A1
, and A1
has a single public constructor, the constructor is the implicit ctor for A1
In summary, variant rules could be expressed in sealed
types, and production rules in record
Grammar as algebraic datatypes
With implicit ctors, a context-free grammar can be expressed entirely in sealed
and record
types, i.e. algebraic datatypes, which is not surprising since both formalisms have the same forms. It is by no coincidence that a production rule maps to a product type (record
), and a set of rules maps to a sum type (sealed
To design a parser with Rekex, we could start by directly transliterating the grammar into algebraic datatypes. This immediately gives us a parser that outputs parse trees, a.k.a. concrete syntax trees, which contain all syntactical structure and data from input sentences. That could be the sole responsibility assigned to the parser while other works are assigned to post-processing, which are easy to do because the parse tree is statically-typed in user-defined algebraic datatypes. Different kinds of ASTs can be produced by different transformers on the parse tree.
If we do want a specific kind of “abstract” syntax trees directly out of the parser, we need to refactor some datatypes, either to discard some syntactic information, or to store information in different formats. We can refactor from the concrete to the abstract, incrementally. Say we started with record A1(X,Y)
, and now we want it to become record A1(Z)
; we first introduce the explicit ctor to keep the grammar rule for A1
public A1 a1(X x, Y y){ return new A1(x, y); }
then we can safely refactor record A1
without breaking grammar rules. This refactoring approach has the advantage that we can quickly and correctly model the grammar as a first step, getting a useful parser with very little effort; then we can improve on it progressively, confident that correctness is maintained throughout refactoring processes. It’s easy to get started, and pleasant to move forward. The User’s Guide is written in this direction.
Generic datatypes
Datatypes and ctors can be generic with type parameters; Rekex performs type inference and substitutions whenever necessary. This mechanism enables us to design generic datatypes to represent generic rule constructs, for example, Opt<E>
for E? , Either<A,B>
for (A | B) , and SepBy<T,S>
for (T (S T)*)? . Rekex ships with some commonly used generic datatypes; users can easily define their own. They are crucial to succinctly expressing grammar rules; for example
public Integer integer(Opt<Sign> sign, OneOrMore<Digit> digits){ ... }
PEG support
The general idea explained above can be applied to any grammar that is mostly “context free”. To support PEG (Parser Expression Grammar), two more concerns need to be addressed:
- order among ctors, which by default is in their declaration order
- syntactic predicates, which are represented by special datatypes
Special datatypes
Some special datatypes are natively recognized by Rekex as representing certain rule constructs:
represent PEG’s and-predicate (&e) and not-predicate (!e) -
represent repetition (e*) , optionally annotated with min/max sizes -
matches ε and can be inserted anywhere in a ctor to receive syntactic information.
Token datatypes
At the leaf level, there are token datatypes to match terminals with regular expressions. They are annotated types of enum
, String
, char
etc. that are annotated with regex rules. For example, @Regex("[0-9]+")String
matches one or more digit chars; @Ch(",")char
matches a comma.
In Rekex, grammar symbols are represented by datatypes; grammar rules are represented either implicitly by the datatypes themselves, or explicitly by ctor methods; AST nodes are constructed by invoking constructors/ctors of datatypes.
Rekex vs other approaches
ANTLR 4 can automatically generate statically-typed datatypes and event hooks that mirror the grammar structure. This often requires extra labels on grammar components. Application code is linked to grammar structure through static-typing. However, the static-typing is derivative from grammar DSL therefore not very good for refactoring. Both the Listener interface and the Visitor interface provided by ANTLR require some amount of scaffolding code from users. Most unfortunately, the Visitor interface does not allow different result types for different parse tree nodes, making it very awkward to use to transform parse trees.
Direct left-recursive rules are supported in ANTLR 4. However, it is questionable whether a left-recursive definition is really more natural than a layered, flattened definition. Most people probably would think of x+y+z
as a sum of (x,y,z)
, not as a binary tree of ((x+y)+z)
expr : expr '*' expr # MulExpr
| expr '+' expr # AddExpr
| num # NumExpr
record AddExpr(SepBy1<MulExpr, Plus> items){}
record MulExpr(SepBy1<NumExpr, Star> items){}
Parboiled for Java is a conventional parser generator in the sense that there is a DSL for grammar definition; AST constructions are done either by transforming weakly-typed parse trees, or by imperative embedded actions operating on mutable value stacks and action variables. Parboiled for Java requires a lot of bytecode level magics which stop working in newer versions of Java; apparently there aren’t enough maintenance resources to fix the problems yet.
Parboiled for Scala takes advantage of Scala’s language features to make rule definitions and AST constructions more succinct and statically-typed. The application code is short, but not necessarily simple, which Scala programmers don’t seem to have a problem with. The application code appears to be functional at first glance, but is actually imperative in nature; programmers must be keenly aware of side effects caused by every rules.
Recursive Descent
Writing a recursive descent parser by hand is fun and satisfying, at least in the beginning. You have full control and knowledge of what’s happening at any moment of time. It is easy to write because you just apply the same code patterns repeatedly. Eventually the repetition may become tedious, and a declarative way to implement it becomes more appealing.
Parser Combinators
In the parser combinator approach, grammar rules are mirrored by parser functions, and functions can be composed from other functions. For example, a production rule A = B C may be mirrored by
Parser<A> pA = sequence(pB, pC, (b,c)->{...});
The most famous parser combinator framework is Parsec for Haskell; there are Java ports like jparsec and funcj.parser.
It’s possible to write a parser function with arbitrary logic; this power also means that the functions are opaque, making it generally impossible to extract a grammar to be analyzed. Parser combinators run in a fixed execution model which can’t be replaced by an alternative parsing algorithm. There are no representations for grammar symbols. Functions, in most languages, do not have metadata as types have; they don’t have names or identities that can help diagnostic tasks such as error reporting. Curiously, in most Parsec ports (including FParsec for F#), recursive rules require mutable references to construct recursive functions.
Going Forward
Rekex introduces a new approach to parser generation that seems superior to previously known approaches. This new approach can be ported to a lot of other programming languages, including older versions of Java.
Currently Rekex generates recursive descent parsers; nothing in the model prevents other parsing algorithms from being utilized, which could be added in future versions.
The author believes that the Rekex model is the best choice for most parser applications; hopefully it’ll become widely adopted in the years to come.
About the Author
My name is Zhong Yu, I’m a mainly a Java programmer. In the area of language and parsing, I created a workflow language and engine based on Petri Net, worked on SQL front end for Apache Flink, contributed to HTTP and WebSocket RFCs. Nice to join this community and hello everybody!