I'm Jordi Cabot - Happy to be around!


I’ve known @ftomassetti for quite a few time now so I’m not surprised at all this community is shaping up to be a very interesting place for all kinds of language lovers.

I’d say I’m more into DS(M)Ls than DSLs but in the end, the distinction is rather blurred and modeling languages are languages after all (and most people in the modeling community already accepts that modeling language doesn’t need to be graphical anyway).

As many of you already know (lots of familiar faces here!), I do research on all aspects around software modeling and development with my SOM Research Lab( visit the site to check all the cool stuff we’re doing!, e.g. our work on API discovery).

As part of our research, we have looked into some core aspects of language engineering but also on social aspects of DSLs (e.g. governance of languages) and we have even built some languages on our own (e.g. our chatbot language or, as a complete amateur, this WordPress plugin DSL, which is a singleton DSL, meaning that I’m the only user of the language).

I write about all these topics in my modeling-languages.com site (guests posts opportunities available if any of you is interested in showcasing your work!).


Hi Jordi, I am very happy to see you here!
I think we will all benefit from your participation.
Thank you for joining!

Nice to see you ALSO here. :wink:

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Hey Jordi ! Nice to see you here :slight_smile: