Recently I have been working on making easier to use the MPS Server. For that I created a gradle plugin.
Now, the MPS Server per-se permits to expose the models of a running MPS through REST APIs and WebSockets. You can use it to get the information of your models and create some visualization or even modifying your models in a web application. If you want to build editors on top of it you can use WebEditKit, the companion project of MPS Server.
This is a short demo:
And this is the build.gradle you need:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://projects.itemis.de/nexus/content/repositories/mbeddr' }
plugins {
id 'com.strumenta.mpsserver' version "0.1.0-snapshot"
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://dl.bintray.com/strumenta/strumenta-oss-maven'
maven {
url 'https://projects.itemis.de/nexus/content/groups/OS/'
mpsserver {
mpsServerVersion = '1.1.0-rc1'
At this point, you can run ./gradlew launchMpsServer
and that is it!
For example, this is what you could get: