Hi, I'm Meinte Boersma

Hi people,

My name is Meinte Boersma, and I’ve been smitten by the model-driven software engineering, and language engineering viri since 2007. Currently, I’m employed by/at the Dutch Tax Administration where I’m co-lead for the team developing the Agile Law Execution Factory (ALEF) Studio. ALEF allows fiscal experts/business analysts to write formally sound and complete business rules in a form of controlled Dutch called “Regelspraak”. We’re using JetBrains MPS to develop ALEF.

Also, I’m in the (“somewhat” protracted…) process of writing a book about DSLs which is to be published by Manning. This books aims to open up DSL implementation to a very broad audience. For that reason, it’s going to focus on projectional editing on the Web using JavaScript, and on business (rules) domains.

Before working at The DTA, I’ve worked at various places, and had various roles, almost always involving some kind of MDS{D|E} and language engineering. I’ve worked on my own language workbench -Más- for a while. I’ve participated in a number of editions of the Language Workbench Challenge, both as spectator, participant, and organiser. I also speak at conferences.

I look forward to listening in, and participating in interesting MDSE/(DS)LE-related discussions that transcend the border of any particular tool (such as MPS, Xtext, Spoofax, Rascal, etc.).


Booh! I bet you didn’t see me there in the corner. Welcome, Meinte.
DTA is an interesting one… the agency was working on redoing the software for the Toeslagen already in 2008 (the things that are now source of complete restructuring of the agency). They asked me to work on it, but it was too much travel from where I lived. Seems it’s still not sorted…

Rest assured: I have sensed your presence on this forum :wink:

It’s such a big organisation with a lot of layers, and a lot of inertia, so it’s never going to be fully sorted. However, the current political mess surrounding Toeslagen has little or nothing to do with the MDSE-based aspects of the underlying software system.

I’m working on an internal product that’s essentially spun off, but actually completely separate. That product is now being used for various projects (of differing sizes), and can be said to be more successful than the Toeslagen-precursor.

This is going to be an interesting read :slight_smile:
Can we hope some tool (open-source or not) could appear as the by-product of this book?

I’m not aiming for a separate tool, but of course the code that’s created in the course of the book will be published. Some of that code you could extract into a framework, but the aim is to get by with the minimal amount of code so that’s probably not worth it.

I hope DTA gets it right (enough) soon :wink:

I can’t say anything about Toeslagen (no, I really can’t…), but I’m working hard to improve at least the software side of things :wink: