Hi, I'm Jasper Denkers


This community is a great initiative, thanks @ftomassetti for setting it up!

I’m Jasper Denkers, a PhD candidate from the Netherlands working at the Delft University of Technology (with @eelcovisser and Andy Zaidman) and at Canon Production Printing (formerly known as Océ).

My research focuses on creation and use of DSLs in industry. In particular, I work on developing and evaluating DSLs and language workbenches within the digital printing domain.

For a summary of my research, see this ESEC/FSE’19 doctoral symposium paper: https://jasperdenkers.com/pub/esec-fse19.pdf.

In my master’s thesis I worked on modularization and performance optimization of SGLR parsing (the parsing approach used in the Spoofax language workbench). While working on industrial DSLs is the main focus of my research, I’m also continuing the my on parsing.

I’m looking forward to meeting more of you during the meetup tomorrow.

