Hi, I'm Edmundo


I’m Edmundo Lopez. I’m an Eclipse consultant specialized in DSLs with Xtext and other Eclipse Modelling technologies. I came in contact with these technologies while doing my PhD at the University of Geneva, in Switzerland. The thesis was done in software verification and modeling and we used Eclipse Modeling Tools to implement prototypes and editors for our verification DSLs.

Currently, I left academia and I work as an Eclipse Modeling/RCP specialist in the finance sector, where we develop DSLs and code generators to harness the complexity of global banking regulations.

I also enjoy internal DSLs written in Scala and contribute to the Eclipse Language Server Protocol plugin for one of the available Scala Language Servers.

Aside of my computer related activities I’m an aficionado classical guitarist. I’m quarantining currently in Bolivia, where I live with my wife and daughter.

Looking forward to participate in this community,



Hi Edmundo, nice to have you here!
Happy quaranting, I am in Italy and sharing the same experience :slight_smile:

I also started my interest with DSLs through Xtext. Now do you work as a Eclipse Modeling/RCP specialist in a company in Bolivia or are you a consultant?

Hi Lorenzo,

I hope you’re doing well in Italy, I heard things got nasty over there, my thoughts and prayers for you and your fellow countrymen.

I work as a remote consultant for a company in Switzerland, but I live in Bolivia.

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Well where I am things are decent enough. Sure, we should not go out but beside that services work. I am using more and more delivery of groceries and amazon :smiley: