Hi, I am Neeraj Bhusare

Hi All,

My Name is Neeraj Bhusare. I am from a city named Nasik in Maharashtra, India. I am currently working with a company named Zafin, where I help in building tools using various Eclipse technologies, namely Eclipse RCP, EMF, and Xtext. Using these frameworks, we have built a low code platform that is used by our customers for rapidly prototyping and implementing their custom use-cases. The challenge is to make it easy for non-technical users to adapt the tool, and that is where my interest lies. I am experimenting with Sirius and other Eclipse frameworks to see if it helps. Before Zafin, I was working on the MyEclipse IDE at Genuitec. I have contributed to the J2EE tooling and built a Graphical Modeling workbench to ease the development of Struts projects in MyEclipse.

I have also been working as an independent Eclipse trainer since 2009. I have presented at Technical events like Eclipse Day and Eclipse Con India. I have organized multiple Eclipse Demo Camps in Pune, India.

I like building modeling tools. I have thoroughly enjoyed using frameworks like EMF and Xtext in my projects. I am looking forward to learning MPS.

Thanks, Federico, for accepting my request to join the group.


Hi Neeraj, great to see you here!
I think that someone with your industrial experience is a great addition to this community.
I would be in particular interested in learning more about your owrk with a low-code platform, as this type of solutions seem getting more and more popular.
I am looking forward to a lot of interesting discussions!

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Namaste Neeraj!
Welcome on board.