DSL in real live samples needed

Hello Everyone!
I’m now preparing for a small local conference and I need to find DSL samples from real life.
It will be a review of possible DSL usages.
I found:
System to describe the chemical formulas for WEB

And need some more spectacular examples! If you know something please tell me.

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Hey, you might want to have a look at what was presented at the MPS Community Meetup over the last two years:
Overview 2018
Overview 2019

There are overlaps and it only concerns MPS-based DSLs, but it might be a start.

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You could find some examples also here:
and 19 examples of DSLs here https://tomassetti.me/domain-specific-languages/#examples


PlantUML looks spectacular!

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@dorogoj please share the slides and tell us how the presentation went

I was very short of time. So we postpone the presentation. :frowning:

Hope you got good ideas for later anyway!

Hi dorogoj,

we have built a DSL with which you can create validation rules in a natural language. You can also dictate them instead of writing :slight_smile:

take a look at it:


You can find over 50 public cases at http://www.dsmforum.org/cases.html. I believe these are particularly helpful as they come with details written by the language engineers and language users.


Thanks. This is the best dsl samples collection! Especially https://sonic-pi.net/